1. Report -

    The purpose of this work was to find out what people understood by the term 'ambulatory care' and what they thought of the service it provided.
  2. Report -

    This report is based on comments collected by the Clinical Commissioning Group engagement staff at the NHS 70 event. We were asked to analyse the data and produce a report to allow people to connect and understand the NHS better.
  3. Report -

    Over the last year we have received a lot of feedback about dentistry, so this report highlights the responses we recevied when talking to the public. We heard the examples of good practice as well as the areas creating most problems for patients.
  4. Report -

    This report into the term ambulatory care finds out if the public understand the term, how we could better describe it, the pros and cons to the idea including whether people actually supported the idea of a home / virtual ward.

  5. Report -

    We conducted this project to find out peoples experiences with relation to the ophthalmology department. Focusing on how patients were managing with access to appointments, waiting times and the quality of service.
  6. Report -

    This report aims to see to what extent GP practices are providing clear and consistent information in an easy to access format, and to highlight any areas of good practice to inform local communication strategies.
  7. Report -

    We looked at what makes carer friendly experiences. This report highlights which areas carers feel they face the most challenges with and where they feel most / least supported across housing, care and support, education, work and community sectors
  8. Report -

    We carried out a piece of work surrounding the issues of loneliness and isolation throughout 2018 and 2019. This report summarises the findings of our survey into loneliness and isolations felt by carers.
  9. Report -

    This project was to inspire people to get involved with local discussions and consultations about the future of health care and to ensure that those who do get involved are wellinformed about what works and why.
  10. Report -

    We are doing thematic research on the subject of men’s health. As part of this work we visited the Bolton Service User Recovery Forum (BSURF) which is a peer support group to get experiences and view of the support they receieved from their GP.
  11. Report -

    This forum was based on the work by Healthwatch, which featured views on health by employees at a local organisation. 20 individuals attended the forum which included members of the general public as well as representatives from various organisations
  12. Report -

    In this report we highlight our findings regarding what people understand the health and care concerns are faced by those in work. For the purposes of this study we focused on workers at a single, large office site in Bolton.
  13. Report -

    We engaged with families during 4 baby clinics during March & April. The purpose was to capture people's experience of the service and other more general health or social care services and to identify examples of good practice.
  14. Report -

    A report produced in August 2019 containing information about health and support in the workplace.
  15. Report -

    Bolton LA are in the stages of re-tendering the home care provision and we therefore wanted to bring some service user experience to inform this process. This report highlights peoples experiences in quality monitoring and the incentives processes.
  16. Report -

    A report published in March 2019 containing information on how we should communicate with people.
  17. Report -

    We invited public and professionals to gather people’s experiences on Dementia, looking at different stages including: prior to diagnosis, diagnosis and the short time following this, living with dementia and deterioration and end of life care.
  18. Report -

    The aim of this project was to gain a greater understanding of the support, experience and impact itself for individuals at various points including: the situation itself, diagnosis, on services, end of care and any other issues.
  19. Report -

    Researches visited various sites where men attend on a social basis and conducted semi-structured interviews. Conversations focused onl views on service delivery, healthy lifestyles, mental health and health information.
  20. Report -

    We runs a series of corridor events at Royal Bolton Foundation Trust Hospital sites talking to patients about their views and experiences. This report highlights the comments we received from young people about mental health support.
  21. Report -

    This report is based on a corridor event where we aimed to ask patients what factors they take into consideration when choosing to use the out of hours service and to elicit the views of patients about their experiences of using the service.
  22. Report -

    As part of our aim to improve understanding of the role of Technology Enabled Care (TEC) we invited members of the public were invited to view and see demonstrations of electronic monitoring devices, disability/care aids and health related apps.
  23. Report -

    We organised a forum to further explore people’s views on health related peer to peer support type activity. A number of organisations and groups who use this model were invited, along with the general public, to share their views and experiences.
  24. Report -

    This report highlights the publics views on waste around medicines and the way they are dispensed, peoples knowledge of the minor aliments service and the publics knowledge around pharmicies and the services they offer.
  25. Report -

    Changes were made to eligibility criteria for podiatry services in Bolton. Following thise a number of comments were made to us. This report presents these views to illustrate how service changes can affect patients.
  26. Report -

    Healthwatch conduct regular corridor events at various Bolton FT NHS services. This report covers the comments received when visiting the Rivington Unit.
  27. Report -

    This report is based on our volunteer’s experience of Bolton hospital. As a wheelchair user we asked if they would like to help us identify if there were any areas of concerns with regards to access or remit that were not following regulations.
  28. Report -

    Our report will enable those with experience of palliative and end of life care as well as the general public to share their experiences, thoughts, knowledge, and desire’s and inform best practice for all providers.
  29. Report -

    The Bolton GP Federation asked Healthwatch to develop and deliver a small piece of public engagement to gather patient’s views and ideas about what aspects of such a service would improve their experience of accessing health and well-being services.
  30. Report -

    We visited a prostate cancer support group to speak to attendees about prostate specific services but also health care in its wider spectrum. This reports highlights the responses and views we received.
  31. Report -

    Our engagement officers spoke to people at a local dementia café to gain comments, experiences and views on the topic of dementia.
  32. Report -

    We worked with Healthwatch Wigan and Leigh to promote an online survey to gather expert by experiences, views and comments regarding Bolton council's proposed changes to its wheelchair eligibility criteria.
  33. Report -

    This project aimed to help inform how the primary care workforce chould be structured and the future use of technologies to help support communication. We asked people for thier views on their preferred methods of communication and why.
  34. Report -

    We have been looking to identify young carers find out more about their experiences. This report highlights their views on their experiences, self-identification and support needs.
  35. Report -

    This report highlights the current experiences of young carers, what technology they use and how benefical that technology is to their role as a young carer.
  36. Report -

    This report follows on from our 2014 report which instigated meetings both locally and nationally with oral health professionals. In our report we highlight the responses from local care homes about the level of oral care available to residents.
  37. Report -

    This project engaged with younger people around their experiences of emotional health and well-being. This report highlights the difficulties that young people may face due to poor emotional health and well-being.
  38. Report -

    We collected peoples views on the adapability of an electronic care record through an open survey available to the people of Bolton. This report highlights our findings and our recommendations based on the people's views.
  39. Report -

    Our engagement work in Breightmet & Little Lever resulted in this report publishing the views and concerns of residents across the areas of managing their own health and community assets.
  40. Report -

    This report highlights the feedback gained from attendees to our neighbourhood engagement event held in Chorley Roads. It shows what local residents believe are their community assets and have a conversation about managing health and and well-being.
  41. Report -

    Our report, containing information about the Bolton Neighbourhood Engagement in Crompton & Halliwell, highlights the issues and concerns raised by residents over the community assets and their thoughts around managing their own health and well-being.
  42. Report -

    This report provides the main findings of neighbourhood workshops aimed at bringing Bolton residents together to explore Bolton’s locality plan and share ideas, experiences and opinions.
  43. Report -

    Across the area of Bolton one of the topics considered important for staying healthy was workforce behaviour/ We held neighbourhood workshops and this report contains all the comments we collected at the workshop so that they can be considered.
  44. Report -

    This report provides the main findings of neighbourhood workshops aimed at bringing Bolton residents together to explore Bolton’s locality plan and share ideas, experiences and opinions.
  45. Report -

    This report highlights the feedback from our engagement event held in Horwich & Blackrod. The hope was to find out what local residents believe are their community assets and have a conversation about managing health and well-being.
  46. Report -

    Our report highlights the responses gathered from residents in Turton, from the neighbourhood engagement event discussing community assets and managing your own health and well-being.
  47. Report -

    This report highlights the issues and concerns raised in our Neighbourhood Engagement in Westhoughton. Read what the community thoughts on managing health and well-being and the dicsussions around community assets.
  48. Report -

    This report contains information collected from residents at the Bolton Neighbourhood Engagement in Farnworth & Kearsley around the subjects of managing their own health and well-being together with what they believed to be their community assets.