Emotional Health and Well-being of Year 7 Students in a Bolton High School

This project engaged with younger people around their experiences of emotional health and well-being. This report highlights the difficulties that young people may face due to poor emotional health and well-being.


Over the morning we spoke to 160 year 7 pupils.

Using a selected list the pupils were asked to identify if they had experienced any of these difficulties within the last month.  Options included: stress, bullying, violence in the home, exam pressure and sleep problems.

The key findings from the data are as follows:

  • All 160 pupils said they had experienced at least one of the problems on the selected list
  • 65% said they had experienced stress and 61.9% mentioned exam pressures. 
  • Slightly less but still significant was the number of pupils who identified a difficulty with anxiety (30%) and depression (23.1%)
  • For those that highlighted stress as a problem identified the main triggers to this as sleep problems and anxiety.
  • For those that said they experiences anxiety and/ or depression they said that their main triggers were exam and school pressures.
  • 12.5% of the students said they had experienced bullying within the last month which is way below the national average.
  • 10% said they had experienced violence in the home and the effects of this on their emotional health and well-being was mainly stress, a lack of sleep and a loss of interest in things.


It is clear that young people identify as facing many difficulties on a regular basis, many of which have a correlating effect on other issues. 

This school in particular has a very clear anti bullying policy and the statistics appear to reflect this.

We recommended that the school utilise the information form the report to help plan future PSHE sessions.

This is a small snapshot report and all the data can be accessed from us.


For the full report, click on the link below:

Emotional Health and Well-being of Year 7 Students in a Bolton High School

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