The patients journey in mental health

This project was commissioned by Healthwatch England and the results will be collated on a national level to inform the development and implementation of the specific activities discussed within the long term plan.

Key findings

  • 41% of people described their overall experience as negative
  • 39% described their overall experience of getting support as mixed or neutral
  • Waiting times produced a very mixed result of positive and negative experiences


"Longer support, more involvement and better quality therapy"

  • Most common mentioned issue around prevention / early intervention was waiting times. 
  • Direct referrals between different parts of the mental health system would eradicate the kick backs, free up GP time and increase the chances of getting an accurate diagnosis. 
  • People with lifelong conditions described a situation of repeated referrals, worsening crisis and then discharge when they were deemed to have recovered.
  • People with lifelong conditions need lifelong support both to help them manage the fluctuations in their condition, achieve early intervention when crisis looms and help them manage transisitions in their lives.  


If you need this report in a different format please get in touch and let us know. 

The patients journey in mental health

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